I'm almost embarrassed to start posting again after being MIA for several months, but here I am. It's been an insanely busy summer and early fall, but in a good way. A
promotion at work has meant longer hours and events to attend on nights
and weekends, but it's been so worth it. The only drawback that I can
see so far is that my poor nails have been unpolished and chipped for
the larger part of the last few months. I've also been doing some
traveling; in August, I visited Mexico City for the first time, and more
recently I took short trips to Chicago and Vegas. In the next few months, I'm heading up to SF to visit one of my best friends, then hopefully Mammoth after Christmas.
Other big(-ish) news: An article I wrote on a San Diego-area nail
salon was published this summer in NAILS Magazine. Despite working in
the publishing industry for the last couple years, I still get a little
thrill every time I see my name in print, especially when it's on a
topic that I'm really passionate about!
They got the URL wrong (glitterandglossnails.com), but still cool!
Things will be slowing down at work in another month, so I'm hoping
that by my birthday, I'll be back to doing nail art (and posting) on a
more regular basis. Fun fact: Wendy and I share the same birthday in
I have more time, I'm also going to try to give the blog its annual
design refresh and try to talk Wendy into posting something for the
first time this year.